Olivia Aguiar, M.Sc. student

Major advisor: Barney Luttbeg

Behavior, ecology, predation risk

B.Sc. 2022, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth

Email: oaguair@okstate.edu



Specific Interests
Olivia studies predation risk using Physa snails as a prey and crayfish as a predator. Currently she is investigating how responses to predation risk change throughout the lifespan and how those responses compare to other types of risk responses.



  • Aguiar, O.K., Sonnega, S., DiNuzzo, E.R., Sheriff, M.J. (2022). Playing it safe; risk-induced trait responses increase survival in the face of predation. Journal of Animal Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13880.

  • Sheriff, M.J., Mancini, I., Aguiar, O.K., DiNuzzo, E.R., Maloney-Buckley, S., Sonnega, S., Donelan, S. (2022) The impact of food availability on risk-induced trait responses in prey. Target Journal: Behavioral Ecology. Submitted.